Manhattan from Jersey City
In Memoriam...47 views2015.09.11 From Jersey City
End of photosession
In Memoriam...39 viewsBonus. Jersey City from waterfront. During photosession with Light Memorial at 2015.09.11
Katyn Memorial and Light September 11 Memorial38 views2015.09.11. Jersey City. Exchange Place
In Memoriam...258 views2015.09.11 From Jersey City
End of photosession
Moon Eclipse 2015.09.27275 viewsManhattan from Jersey City waterfront near Avalone Cove. Day of Moon Eclipse. Before and After.
Moon Eclipse 2015.09.2742 viewsManhattan from Jersey City waterfront near Avalone Cove. Day of Moon Eclipse. Before and After.
Moon Eclipse 2015.09.2756 viewsManhattan from Jersey City waterfront near Avalone Cove. Day of Moon Eclipse. Before and After.